Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm back...sorry for taking so long

Hi Everybody, I am sorry that I have not written in a few weeks. I have been really busy but I have not forgotten about all of you and this blog.
So I went to the dentist and guess what, no more turning! Hooray! Actually I was a little bit sad because I thought I would have nothing left to write anymore and I really like writing and my mother said that I am getting better at my writing because of this blog.
So I am not turning anymore. The dentist told my mom not to turn it anymore. She said, "no problem." She didn't like turning it anyway because she was always feeling like she was the  "torturer" like I called her the first few times. Well maybe I called her that more than just a couple of times but IT HURT!!! So the dentist turned it one last time for now and did something to it but I don't know what so that my mom couldn't turn it anymore. She was like, "don't worry, I won't turn it" but the dentist told my mother that there are some mothers who still want to do it. Are they crazy???
So I have to go back to the dentist in a few weeks and I then will write again. Now I have to go back every 6 weeks to get it checked out. I don't know how long I will have to do that for. I think they said I can get it off during the beginning of 3rd grade.
I hope you have a happy Easter.
Your Friend,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Some more information

Happy Monday.
Some of you have asked me questions about the palate expander but since I was sick and missed my appointment and my next one is not until Thursday, here is a web site I found with my mother that might give you more information. Really I am thinking that I have been pretty good in giving you information, like the real truth about the pain and how things get stuck but this website we found is pretty good I guess too. I also think that I pretty much tell you how sometimes its not that bad and at other times it really STINKS! Like when food gets stuck in it and you have to take your time eating something like today I was eating my favorite pasta salad and the noodles were getting stuck and all I wante dto do was eat it quickly because it is so good but I had to sit there with my tongue trying to get the noodles out so i could keep eating!!!!!!
I just don't want you to think that I have not been working on this blog because I love doing it.
Have a good week.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello. It is Saturday and they couldn't get me in for a dentist appt to check my palate expander until next Thursday. When my mom made the appointment the receptionist made my mom laugh because sh told her that one of their patients does a blog about the palate expander that we should check out. Of course she wD talking about my blog so that was funny.
Have a good weekend. Your friend coli