Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Easy Key

When my mom twists the key, it doesn't hurt that badly anymore. I don't really whine anymore like I did the first couple times I did it. But now it doesn't really hurt that badly and when I bite it doesn't hurt that bad actually. 
The space in between my front teeth is getting bigger.
I ate a bagel and a big chunk got stuck in my palate expander but I kept pushing it back and forth with my tongue and it came right out in medium sized pieces.
Thats it for today.
Hasta Luego.
Your Friend,
P.s. My mom is getting worried that because I am not complaining anymore that she is not doing it right so when she takes my brother for his checkup on Friday, she is making me see the hygenist there too. She says she doesn't want us to waste our time if it is not working but I am telling her over and over that its working. Calm down Mommy!
P.S.S. My dog Tybee says hello.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Colin - my fat kitty cat Zoomer says hi to your dog Tybee -- actually what he said was "Meow meowwwwwwrrrrrrrr prurrrrrr meow mrffffff". I'm pretty sure that means Hi, Tybee :)

    I'm glad your mouth is starting to hurt less, and I'm not surprised your mom is worried about not doing it right - I would feel exactly the same way! I hope everything goes well at the hygienist today!

    Sandra :)
