Wednesday, June 8, 2011

change of plans :(

My appt is changed again ! This is driving me crazy!
Now it is not until the 20th! Sorry guys, but keep your quesitons coming and I will have the dentist answer them.
Hope you are all doing okay.
Keep cool!
Your Friend,


  1. Hi Colin,

    Thank you for your blog. My son Ryan is 10 and is getting his expander on Monday and reading your blog has helped him be less nervous (it's helped me too). Keep up the great work. You sound like a wonderful boy. Tell your mom she's doing a good job raising you. We are from Massachusetts too.

    Robin & Ryan

  2. Hi Ryan!
    Don't freak out everything will be fine. In the beginning it hurted a lot so I just tried to ignore the pain. I used ice pops and water right after and that helped. It helped by making the pain cold. It eventually gets better. The key hurts a lot at the beginning but then you kind of get used to it. Are you getting the top one or the bottom. I have the top one only.
    Read my blog from the beginning when I got my palate expander until now. You will see tha teverything will be okay!
    Good luck. Write to me on this blog if you need to vent.
    Okay, bye.
    Your Friend,
