Monday, July 25, 2011

Once Upon A Time There Were Two Teeth - My Palate Expander Appointment

Hey whats up dudes and dudettes...
Today I had my palate expander appointment. One more until I get this off. The dentist said I have had it on for 6 months. I don't know about that. I think that is right. Anyway, here are the tools the dentist uses to check the palate expander:
they kind of look scary, dont' they, but really they dont' really hurt.

So while we were waiting, my mom noticed that the dentists helper did not take away the spacers they must have taken off another kid on the dentist's chair next to us, so we took pictures of the spacers. See the little blue things?  Those are the spacers. I do't know what the other things are.
Okay, so back to my news. it was a LOOOOOOOONNNNNG appointment. Well because things happened that we didn't expect. Here goes My News.
Today the dentist said that my palate expadner looked great and that I have one more month to wear it. That is good news. Then he said to my mom to look into my mouth. That is when you know there is not good news, when they tell your mother to look at something. So she gets up and looks and he shows her that one of my top teeth is coming in behind my baby teeth in the front and that I will need another appliance to correct that or we can EXTRACT the tooth and since the one next to it is loose, I should have that EXTRACTED TOO!. So in my head I am trying to figure out what "extract" means again and then I remember...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. So, next thing I know, I am in another room, a PRIVATE room. Uh oh. Then they put this thing on my mouth so my mom video'd me. Its sideways but here it is:
Here is a picture of me with the teeth I had before...

Then they have to put this mask on you to make you feel like you are floating in the sky. You can choose your smell from orange, watermelon (I think), grape, bubble gum or strawberry. So I chose strawberry. I have to tell you that I was really scared and really freaking out. Then the dentist stuck me with a needle near my two front teeth (my mom says this is so I wouldn't feel it). At the time I thought it was a long drill and that is what I told my mom afterwards. It took them like 2 seconds to pull out the teeth and then I had to wear the mask for a little while longer while they pumped "clean" air into my lungs so I would stop floating.  Here is a picture of me getting the clean air.
Can you see that I am not looking to happy and I was feeling really tired. It didn't really smell good but when I got a little used to it it was okay. Now I have no old baby teeth in the front but my new tooth is already there. So here comes the next step. I am supposed to take a wooden popsicle stick and bite on it and try to get the tooth to push forward. I have to do it every day for half an hour and IT HURTS so my mom said I didn't have to do it today since I had the teeth taken out but starting tomorrow I ahve to do it. Aah. So the dentist gave us some popsicle sticks to use but my mom asked if it was okay if since I love popsicles and especially fudgesicles, if i could just eat one of those and then take that stick which will taste good and do it that way (this is my mom's way of thinking like she does for her preschool class - always coming up with funny ways to do something and make a kid happy) and the dentist said okay. so I have to do this for a month and then on Augsut 25 I think, I have to come back and get looked at again and have the palate expander taken off which my mom says she will hope to video tape and I told her to turn the camera the right way so you don't have to watch the video sideways!
Have a good day.
Your Friend,
P.S. If you have written to me as a comment, check where the comment was posted and I usually put my responses right under those so you can see my personal answer to you. bye dudes and dudettes!
here is a picture of me I had my mom take just now of me with my missing front teeth and also my messy mouth because I was eating a fudgsicle. Yum!


  1. hi! I just got my palate expander put in yesterday. Mine is a little different from yours. I dont have to turn the key! Nothing! I am just getting used to it so.....

  2. I just got my expanders on top and bottom 9 days ago. My mom has to turn it 2 times a week. The dentist said I have to wear it for 6 months!! :( I don't like it but I am getting used to it. I think I am talking a little better. I am nervous about going to school. I am getting tired of milkshakes. I figured out how to make egg drop soup. It is fun to do and I like it. I was wondering how long until you could eat real food? It still hurts when I bite down. Thank you for your blog.
    Your friend,

  3. My daughter got hers this past week. She is having a tough time with sores on the inside of her cheeks.

  4. Hi collin,my name is Lucas (my mom knows Elaine) and...I have two things in my mouth...I have braces and a expander, a regular one not a palate.I saw the picture with the scary tools and when I got my expander...the doctor used different tools.
