Friday, August 19, 2011

Your Pictures

I forgot to ask...if any of you want to show me your pictures maybe before and after of your palate expander, I can post them on here (without names and anonymous). This way we can show everyone who checks it out more examples of what a great (even though it hurts) thing it is because we will all have beuatiful smiles. If you want to send me your picture, just send me a comment and I will send you an email address you can send them to.
Your Friend
thank you

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin!

    Guess what...since I last wrote you, I now have a gap between my two front teeth!

    I have a question that maybe you could answer or e-mail your dentist about... If you have an 8mm expander, and each turn is 1/4mm...what happens if you turn the expander 33 times instead of 32? Does it come apart or will it just not turn?

    Looks like you've been having lots of fun this summer (even with a palate expander)! I'm jealous that you get yours off in less than a week! I will have mine at least until my next appointment on September 27th. I can speak normally with it again now though, so that's good. Especially since I have to give a presentation at a conference on September 13th!!

    Bummer about school starting soon. Ah well. Just think, one of these days waaaay down the road, you'll be graduated from high school and college and won't have to do homework again--hooray!

    Take care!

