Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Have a Palate Expander if You're Getting Braces Anyway???

Hi  Friends!
I hope you are all doing well with your palate expanders! I've had mine off now for about a month but I still like to be in touch with you and say hello because if you are reading this, that means you are going through the experience of having a palate expander and I am certainly someone who understands what you are going through.

One of the questions I've gotten over and over is...

Why Have A Palate Expander If You're Getting Braces Anyway?????

I asked my wonderful dentist the answer to this question which is...

"The palatal expander really is treating the bones to ensure that the upper and lower jaws are the same size.  Yes, the teeth move now but it's because their is more space. Braces alone do not correct this problem."
I hope that answered the question.

One of our readers mentioned that her palate expander broke but after all the turns were done, so her dentist took it off. I know you are supposed to keep it on for awhile after you are done turning the key, but if this reader can let us know how long ago the turns stopped, that would be great.

I hope you all have a good day.
Your Friend
Colin :)


  1. Hi Colin!!!

    It's Alexa's mom again - Alexa has just ONE MORE WEEK of turning her palate expander - it really wasn't too bad - now we are pros - just like you!!! :) Once again - thanks for all your information - it really helped us learn what to expect! How long did you have your expander in after you finished turning?

  2. Hi Colin! My name is Makayla I am 12 and getting a palate expander AND braces in five days. I have been a nervous wreck! I googled pictures of palate expanders and your blog popped up. Seeing your posts really made me feel better about getting one though! Thank you for posting!

  3. Hi! Can you please tell me how it felt when they took your expander out? Was there pain, pressure etc.? and how much? Thank You
