Sunday, December 18, 2011

Responses to comments and hellos to some of our new readers!

First i want to say hello to my new friends, Sophie and Brandon who just got their palate expanders. Brandon mentioned that the mouthwash they give you is gross but ask if you can get a different flavor because the mouthwash really helps to get the food out and give you yummy smelling breath.
I think about you guys who are still going through this all the time. I know how rough it is and that it is not easy especially when I know some of you got it during Thanksgiving time and now that it is Christmas and Chanukah and all the other holidays you celebrate, its not a fun thing to add.
You are all going to get through this.
Please remember to send your comments. I read all of them and try to respond to all the emails i get too.
We just reached over 10,000 hits and have people reading this in almost 40 countries so remember we are all in this together.
Have a good day and remember, you are one day closer to getting the palate expander off. You should be proud of yourself because I am proud of you.
Your friend

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin,
    My 11 year old son is getting his expander today at 3:30. We are very nervous about the whole process! Thank you for your blog and your advise it has been super helpful and comforting since some other websites are so NEGATIVE! I pray his experience is not bad and that he can over come all the obstacles like you have! I have a question for you, did your speech get better as time went on? Any advise on how to controll all the extra salvia? Thanks a million Colin your blog has been super helpful!! God Bless!

    San Antonio, Texas
