Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey with teeth

Happy Thanksgiving! Look at the picture I found of a cooked turkey with teeth. Do you think it had a palate expander????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I want to wish my new palate expander friends Jules and Micah good luck with their palate expanders which they both just got on. Good luck with the key that you have to twist on the palate expander. Don't be mad at your mom or whoever is turning the key because they are only doing it to help you and it is not an easy thing for them to do knowing that they are causing you pain.
I can't believe I almost have 10,000 hits on my blog. I am so excited about that. I am so glad that this blog is helping everyone who is going through this.
Eat lots of turkey but don't forget to brush and get that stuck food out of the top of your expander with that tiny tiny toothbrush.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Responses to comments :)

Hi Friends,
I hope you all had a happy Halloween last week and that you didn't eat anything that would stick to your palate expander! :)
Shreya from San Jose, California wrote that she is 7 years old and just got her palate expander. She wanted to know if it hurt when I first got it. Yes, it hurts. The whole thing is not a happy experience you know but in the end, you will be happy you did it. And be proud of yourself for going through this! It's not easy and that you are doing it, super cool for you! Give yourself a pat on the back!
Rachel and Eliza wrote too. Rachel wrote that her daughter is young too and is not happy with her palate expander and is having a hard time eating. Read my blog. Eating at first is tough. You have to teach your tongue to do new things to make it easier to eat. My mom started me off with scrambled eggs (which would get stuck!) and lots of milkshakes I could drink with a straw. Things you can drink with a straw are good at first because it doesn't hurt and the coldness feels good.
Thanks for writing.
I hope you all have a great day.
Your Friend,
P.S. I went to Disney on vacation last week and my tooth fell out. What a great place for it to come out! Yey! And the tooth fairy brought me 4 bucks! Yey!