Monday, April 29, 2013


Hi Palate Expander Friends!
I am so proud of all of you and thank you for your comments and writing such nice things to me.

The one question I keep getting lately over and over is about eating apples. Everyone seems to have trouble eating them. They get stuck! I remember that. Lots of food gets stuck and all the time you hear from your mom and your dad and your doctor and your dentist that you are supposed to eat healthy food but apples are hard. So, if you are just getting your palate expander on, you should try to eat only soft foods because it hurts but you can still eat apples, once you have that time when you don't have to turn the key anymore would probably be a good idea. If when you eat the apple and any food really, that you feel it getting stuck, remember to use that little toothbrush your dentist gives you to get it out. And don't forget to keep brushing and use mouthwash too to try and rinse the stuck food out.

Your Friend


  1. Orthodontist said maybe this Friday I'll get mine off! Wish me luck! :)
    -Ice Girl

  2. Hi, I'm getting my palate expander off today. I'm really nervous because I'm not sure if it will hurt or not.
