Monday, June 13, 2011

Before and After

BEFORE PICTURE                                                      AFTER PICTURE

The before picture was taken when I first got my palate expander in February. The AFTER picture is today. I haven't turned the key in a few months but this is what my mouth looks like now. Next Monday I will find out how much longer I have to keep this on.
Your Friend,


  1. WOW that's excellent - there's a HUGE difference, Colin - I bet your mom is very happy, and you should be as well!

  2. Wow, Colin! That is amazing! Thanks for posting the picture! It is easy to see the difference in your picture!!! Alexa will be getting hers in July - I am going to let her start to read your blog - so she has a good idea of what will happen. How long did you have to turn the key for? Her orthodontist is saying about 30 days - then she'll need to keep the expander in for 6 months - then she will get a retainer. Thanks so much again for sharing your story!! :)

  3. Good Luck to Alexa! I hope she enjoys reading my blog.
    I think I had to turn my key for 3 months but each month it was for a different amount of I think the first month it was for 20 turns, well you can read the early pages of my blog and it will tell you for sure. But now it just soert of hangs out in my mouth.
    Thank you for reading my blog.
    Your Friend,

  4. Shoshana from IsraelJuly 20, 2011 at 4:54 PM

    Hi Colin. Thank you so much for your blog. My 9 year old daughter will be getting her palatal expansion device in about a month. I am not looking forward to it because she is very sensitive to any pain or discomfort and when she suffers she makes sure that we suffer. Your blog has given me some good ideas as to how to make it easier for her - like what to eat and to give her prizes and gifts and to use a calendar to mark off different things like the turning of the key. I wish you all the best with your device. Your mouth looks great in the before and after picture. You are a great kid for helping so many other people who are scared about the device. Thanks.

  5. did your cheekbones get widen after your expander?

  6. Hi Colin. There's a giant difference in the before and after picture. I got my expander yesterday. My teeth are too crowded. I hope mine helps like yours did. Good luck. Grady

  7. Hi Colin, congrats on triumphing over your expander experience and blogging about it so well. My 8 year old daughters are on day 3 of their expanders, and needless to say, are not very happy.

    Do you remember how long it took you to get somewhat used to it, in terms of talking and eating?

    thanks very much.
