Friday, August 26, 2011

It's Off! Hooray Hooray Hooray!

Well yesterday was the BBBBBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGG day when they took my palate expander off. When they did it, the top of my mouth kind of felt a little weird because I had it on so long and I kind of forgot what it is like to have the palate expander off. My mouth feels strange without it. It took so long to get used to it and now I don't know if I miss it or not.

They used some kind of pliers to take it off. It only hurt a tiny bit and it was quick. It hurt by my teeth where they got the thing off. My Mom couldn't come with me this time because she tore a muscle in her hip while dancing with me and my brother the other day, so my Dad came and My mom told him to video it because some of you wanted to see it. I still have to get the video from my Dad and then I will put it on the blog.

So I have done it. And the dentist said it will be a couple of years before I need braces.

I will miss doing my blog and hearing all the nice things everyone has to say so I will keep writing and answer your questions and support all of you who will and are going through this. If I can do it, anyone can do it. I am proud of all of us.

Your Friend,

P.S. A message to Samantha who wrote me a very nice note. No, we are not in New York but we are on the East Coast. We will be fine. Thank you for your good wishes about the storm and the congratulations for having my palate expander off. That was so nice of you. Have a good day. Your Friend, colin


  1. Yay Colin! You must be absolutely thrilled. Are you going to eat a big bowl of popcorn?

    I think you've done such a wonderful job with your blog - I hope you come back soon! I hope you and your family stay safe, warm and dry this weekend.

  2. Congratulations, Colin! That is amazing news! My daughter Alexa just got her palate expander put in today! She is doing OK - she really liked the ice cream shake for dinner! We don't start turning until next week - but I am so thankful that I found this blog - you have answered so many questions about palate expanders for us!!! Do you have to wear a retainer now? Alexa's orthodontist has told us that the palate expander will be in for 6 months - and then she needs a retainer - then braces when she is maybe 11 or 12. Thanks so much for all of the amazing information!! :)

  3. thanks Collin for responding to me.

    Your Friend Samantha

  4. He looks very happy. What came next?
