Saturday, March 5, 2011

Biiiiiiggggg Spaaaaaccccee!

It is growing. I am talking about the space in between my front tooth. Now it is starting to look like I lost my front teeth. Well I have to tell you that even though I am now 8 years old, I have only lost 2 teeth and that are my bottom teeth and my top teeth are still there but it doesn' tlook like that anymore. It looks like I lost one tooth. Okay, well now the key when it turns does not hurt my left side anymore. It hurts my right side but only for a few minutes.. When I went to my piano lesson and I saw Miss Bouchard, she told me that she had a palate expander too but when she was in 6th grade and not 2nd greade like me. She asked me if it hurts me on top of my nose and then she pointed to the top of her nose. Well I had to tell her that no, it does not hurt my nose but it was nice of her to ask me how I was doing and now I know that even more people have the palate expander.
I went to the Connecticut Science Center today and it was fun. They should have something about palate expanders there. Now I am going to have dinner. Goodbye. See uyo later

1 comment:

  1. I'd never heard of a palate expander before I found your blog, Colin!

    Boy, the tooth fairy is sure saving a lot of $$ on you :D
