Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I went to the dentist you know a few days ago and I have to tell you that now when I do the key, it is WORSE than before well now it is getting better but the first few days it was hurting again really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd! It was stinging on my right side and then I got a little cut in my mouth but today it is not bothering me so much, the cut is what I am talking about. My grandma was here the on Saturday and when my mom turned the key, I was screaming and crying and why am I telling you this? Oh yeah because I am trying to tell you what is going on with my palate expander. Well like I said it is feeling a little bit better now but you know I haven't turned the key yet today. I hope you have a good day.
Your Friend,


  1. Colin, hang in there! We feel for you! You're a tough little guy and we hope you will get painfree soon. Try to have as much fun as possible.

  2. I'm sorry your mouth is hurting, Colin - maybe some green ice-cream would help today!

  3. hang on in there colin! i hurt my tooth today really badly and i might die cos it hurt so badly!i hate the dentist as well i am scared of it so i cant fix it myself!!!!!!!

    thanks for listoning my so called "friends" nazmin and susan just laugh at me!
