Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Two of Having this Thing in my mouth!


I think I look like a freak with this thing in my mouth. I don't like the picture my mother took.

Today my mom is freaking about what to feed me. So for breakfast, she made a chocolate shake!
She gave my brother one too. He is 11 years old. He doesn’t have one of these palate expanders but he sure loves ice cream! No complaints!
For lunch my Mom gave me lipton chicken noodle soup with a straw and chocolate pudding.
When I got dropped off, I showed a lot of my friends to see what I had in my mouth. Mrs. Parkhurst, my teacher, even wanted to see it too. So I showed them. I brought in my mold and I showed my friends my miniature tooth brush too in the morning and at lunch. One comment was that it was a “baby toothbrush” and that made me feel a little bad. They didn’t apologize.  No one even said a thing about me speaking funny. I felt good about that. Mommy said I sound like I have a bad cold.
I started drooling in class. I keep sucking it in with my mouth closed before it comes out.  There is a lot of spit in there. A whole bunch today.
I had lunch. I did good. I had my soup. All I did was suck up the liquid and noodles with my straw and did the left over noodles with my spoon. The noodles got stuck up there a little but then they came down.
To eat you have to push with your tongue back and forth and back and forth to get the food that is stuck up there to come out.


  1. Hi Colin!
    I'm Lucy(I'm 9) I live in Lexington MA and I just got my pallet expander in.Anyway I got my pallet expander on August-29-2011!By the way it is not fun and as you said before it is really hard to eat a lot of things+as well as your brother, I like ice cream!
    See ya,

  2. Hi. My name is Shreya and I live in San Jose.I am 7 years old and I just got my palate expander.
    It is hard to eat.Like you said. Thanks for telling me what to do . All of the times I've been having a very hard time. Thank you so much, Colin, for telling me and everybody that I appreciate that fact. I have a question for you. Did it hurt the first time you got it?

  3. Hi Colin. My daughter just got her palate expander and she is miserable. She is 7 1/2. I read some of your blog to her because she was crying that it hurt too much to eat. She is feeling a little better now that she knows that someone else had to go through this too. Thanks so much for your blog!
