Sunday, February 20, 2011

the key hurted

the key hurted. Thats it for today. The end.
From Your Friend,

p.s....note from Colin's Mom...its tough to turn the key and be the one who is causing discomfort on your child. Colin cries a lot but we try to distract him with drinking ice water before and after and trying to distract as much as we can. He is also the one who has to mark the chart so it gives him something to do. This is a big guilt thing on the parent, at least from my perspective and I can tell you my husband is not disappointed that I am the one doing this, at least that is what I think from his looks :).

1 comment:

  1. Colin - Thanks so much for sharing your story.

    Your mom let me know about your story, and I am so thankful for her when she told me about it.

    Our daughter Katie will be getting a palate expander put in on the 24th. She is 7. I haven't shown her your blog yet...but I will soon. I want her to know what it's like from a kid's point of view. It's really hard to tell what is really going to happen because I've read some scary things, but it's helpful to know what it is really like for you.

    Thank you so much for writing about your experiences.

    I will show her your blog and hopefully she will feel a little good, knowing she isn't the only one having to go through it. As her mom, I, too, won't like having to cause her discomfort, but I know that it will help her in the long run.

    You are so courageous and thoughtful to share what you are going through with other children. Good luck with it and I hope that it all goes very well and without too much pain.

    Take care and again, thanks for sharing your journey with us.

